Where does Ministry Of Development are located? Ministry Of Development was located at Lapangan Terbang Lama Berakas, BB3510, Negara Brunei Darussalam. How and where to apply registration form for MOD? Registration forms such as registration forms for Construction Materials, Product certification registration form and the registration form can be found contractors and suppliers in the Building Control Authority and the Construction Industry (BCI), 3rd Floor of the Ministry of Development, Old Airport Berakas, Brunei Darussalam. Unless, of application forms under the Development Control Division may be found at the Center for Employment and Training Skills Test (MODTC), Ministry of Development, Old Airport Berakas, Brunei Darussalam. For applications filed in the Development Control Division, the application shall be presented by Architects, Professional Engineers and draftsman who was appointed by the applicant. What are the requirements to apply for a listing firm consultant at the Ministry of Development? Listing requirements: The owner of the firm must handle identification cards are yellow or red. The owner of the firm must be registered either Architects / Engineers, Civil & Structural / Mechanical & Electrical Engineers of Brunei Darussalam Board of Architects, Professional Engineers and Quantity Surveyors (APEQS). The owner of the firm have a professional qualification RIBA / RAIA / PAM or MICE or MIEE / MIME or MRICS or Charteredship recognized by the Government. The firm must be registered with the Registry of Companies and Business Names, Ministry of Finance. The firm shall have a permanent office in Brunei Darussalam and the ability to provide continuous professional service. How can a question or suggestion related to land use, housing and the environment can be channeled? Any questions or suggestions may be referred by contacting the Division of Land Use, Housing and the Environment, the Ministry of Development, Old Airport Berakas, Bandar Seri Begawan BB3510, Brunei Darussalam or via online connection 2383222 704, 728 or 788. Note: Any complaints or enquiries can also be made online through the 123 Talian Darussalam. |